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Professor of Managerial Accounting
Head of Accounting Department

Personal Details

Matthias D. Mahlendorf is a Professor of Managerial Accounting. He is interested in the areas of performance measurement – especially with respect to managing sustainability performance – as well as the digital transformation of management control. He regularly publishes in academic journals as well as in journals aimed at executives in corporate practice. Professor Mahlendorf ranks among the top 20 researchers worldwide in the category “managerial accounting publications in the last six years” of the BYU Ranking. A ranking on the relevance of accounting research placed him at #1 in the category of managerial accounting. He was a visiting scholar at Harvard Business School, a visiting professor at the University of Chicago (Booth School of Business) as well as an adjunct professor at INSEAD.

He has published in journals such as Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, and The Accounting Review. He is an associate editor of European Accounting Review and Management Accounting Research. Moreover, he is a member of the editorial boards of The Accounting ReviewAccounting, Organisations and Society, and Contemporary Accounting Research and serves as a reviewer for Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Production and Operations Management and other journals.

Prof. Mahlendorf serves as the academic director of the Centre for Performance Management & Controlling. He initiated the Master of Science program Corporate Performance & Restructuring and teaches in Executive MBA as well as MBA-Programs on topics such as management accounting and strategy implementation. In the Master of Finance, he gives the course “Restructuring & Strategic Management Control” and in the Master of Applied Data Science, he lectures a course on organizational strategy. In addition, he teaches the course “Performance Measurement and Incentives in the PhD program. He has received multiple "Best Teaching Awards“.

He has designed and taught seminars for executives of major international corporations like SAP, Bayer, Panasonic, and Henkel. He has consulted organizations such as The Federal Employment Agency, start-ups as well as medium-sized companies on topics such as performance measurement and benchmarking. He regularly gives talks and keynotes on current trends in management accounting and control, for example, at events of Roland Berger, the Schmalenbach Association, the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), the ERMC conference, and the Stuttgart Controlling & Management Forum.

Matthias D. Mahlendorf studied Industrial Engineering and Management at the Technical University of Dresden, London School of Economics, and Queen Mary's University London. He received his Ph.D. from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management. His dissertation on the escalation of commitment in failing projects received the Péter Horváth Management Accounting Award 2009 and the Austrian Management Accounting Award. From 2009 to 2014, he worked as Assistant Professor at the Institute of Management Accounting and Control at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.


Scholarly journal articles / Journal articles

Monographs / Contributions to edited volumes


Title Programme Semester
Restructuring & Strategic Management Control Master Winter
Strategy and Performance Management Master in Applied Data Science Winter
Performance Measurement and Inventives PhD Winter