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Computational Science & Philosophy Department

Das Department für Computational Science & Philosophy vereint Wissenschaftler:innen in Informatik, Philosophie, Physik und Mathematik, die Spitzenforschung zu grundlegenden Themen in Computation, komplexen Systemen, Data Science, Ethik und Normativität betreiben.

Computational Science an der Frankfurt School befasst sich mit Grundlagenforschung in Informatik sowie deren Anwendung in den Bereichen maschinelles Lernen und Statistik, Daten- und Entscheidungswissenschaften, computergestützte Sozialwissenschaften, Network Science, Biomathematik, Epidemiologie und Finanzwesen. Unsere Forschungsergebnisse werden regelmäßig in führenden internationalen Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht, darunter Nature PhysicsNature CommunicationsPhysical Review LettersSIAM journalsStatistical ScienceArtificial Intelligence, und Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. Mitglieder des Departments beraten Regierungsbehörden und Firmen in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten und haben mehrere erfolgreiche Unternehmen gegründet. Zudem betreuen sie das Flaggschiffprogramm Master of Science in Applied Data Science und den Master of Science in Data Analytics and Management, aufgrund derer die Frankfurt School den ersten Platz in Europa und den zwölften Platz weltweit im Times Higher Education Ranking für Top-Universitäten in digitaler Ausbildung belegt.

Philosophie an der Frankfurt School spezialisiert sich auf die Erforschung der Grundlagen von Normativität sowie die Analyse komplexer Systeme, einschließlich deren ethischer und gesellschaftlicher Bewertung und der modellbasierten Erklärung sozialer Phänomene. Die Mitglieder unseres Departments sind international bekannt für ihre Forschung im Bereich der Metaethik, insbesondere des Conceptual Role Expressivism und Inferentialist Relaxed Realism; der computergestützten Sozialwissenschaft, einschließlich des Bounded Confidence Modells von Hegselmann & Krause; und der Erforschung von Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Bounded Rationality, mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf Imprecise Probabilities.  Unsere Forschungsarbeiten werden in führenden internationalen philosophischen Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht, darunter Noûs, Mind, Journal of Philosophy, Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, Ethics, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science und Philosophical Studies. Unsere Philosophen:innen organisieren zudem die Konferenzreihe FrankMeta, die zu den wichtigsten internationalen Metaethik-Konferenzen zählt. Darüber hinaus leiten sie den BSc-Studiengang Management, Philosophy & Economics, der unseren Studierenden durch individuelle Betreuung im Stil von Oxbridge Supervisionen eine unvergleichliche internationale Ausbildung bietet.

6th Frankfurt Metaethics Conference (FrankMeta.6), 7th-8th June 2024

The Annual Frankfurt Metaethics Conference (FrankMeta) aims to offer a forum for current research in metaethics, broadly construed, including research on topics in the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mind, metaphysics and epistemology of normativity, as well as papers on the nature of rationality, reasons, and similar topics.

The conference will run over two days and provide plenty of time for discussion. It is free and open to all.

Center for Human and Machine Intelligence

Das Center for Human and Machine Intelligence vereint einen interdisziplinären Forschungsschwerpunkt aus den Bereichen Informatik, Philosophie, Wirtschafts-, Finanz- und Entscheidungswissenschaften und verbindet Theorie und Praxis im Zentrum des europäischen Finanzwesens.



Hier stellen wir ausgewählte Publikationen aus unserem Department Computational Science & Philosophy vor, die seit 2013 in renommierten Fachzeitschriften erscheinen oder zur Veröffentlichung zugelassen sind.

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Köhler, S. 2022. What is (Neo-)Pragmatists’ Function? Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1-17 (DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2022.2034904)

Hegselmann, R., Douven, I., 2022. Mis- and Disinformation in a Bounded Confidence Model, 2022, Artifical Intelligence (DOI:

Tiefensee, C., 2022. Indeterminacy and Collective Harms, Philosophical Studies. (forthcoming).

Köhler, S. (2022) Can We Have Moral Status for Robots on the Cheap?, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (forthcoming).

Böttcher, L., Gersbach, H., 2022. A Refunding Scheme to Incentivize Narrow-Spectrum Antibiotic Development, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Vol. 84(Article number: 59).

Tiefensee, C., Wheeler, G., 2022. Why Formal Objections to the Error Theory are Sound, Analysis. (forthcoming).

Mingtao, X., Böttcher, L., Chou, T., 2022. Controlling epidemics through optimal allocation of test kits and vaccine doses across networks, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. (forthcoming)

Schneider, T., Dunbar, O., Wu, J., Böttcher, L., Burov, D., Garbuno-Inigo, A., Wagner, G., Pei, S., Daraio, C., Ferrari, R., Shaman, J., 2022. Epidemic management and control through risk-dependent individual contact interventions, PLOS Computational Biology.

Böttcher, L., Asikis, T., 2022. Near-optimal control of dynamical systems with neural ordinary differential equations, Machine Learning: Science and Technology Vol. 3(4).

Asikis, T., Böttcher, L., Antulov-Fantulin, N., 2022. Neural ordinary differential equation control of dynamics on graphs, Physical Review Research Vol. 4(1, 013221).

Antulov-Fantulin, N., Böttcher, L., 2022. On the accuracy of short-term COVID-19 fatality forecasts, BMC Infectious Diseases Vol. 22(Article-No. 251).

Böttcher, L., Gersbach, H., Wernli, D., 2022. Restoring the antibiotic R&D market to combat the resistance crisis, Science and Public Policy Vol. 49(1), S. 127-131.

Böttcher, L., 2022, Contagion Dynamics in Complex Networks, in: Automata and Complexity,: Essays presented to Eric Goles on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Cham: Springer, S. 75-82.

Tiefensee, C., Wheeler, G., 2021. Error, Consistency and Triviality, Noûs (DOI: 10.1111/nous.12375).

Wheeler, G., 2021. Comment: Moving Beyond Sets of Probabilities, Statistical Science Vol. 36(2), S. 201-204.

Böttcher, L., 2021. Computional Statistical Physics, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Wheeler, G., Cozman, F., 2021. On the imprecision of full conditional probabilities, Synthese.

Köhler, S., 2021. Normative Disagreement: A Functional Account for Inferentialists, Philosophical Studies 178: 617-637.

Tiefensee, C., 2021, Metasemantics for the Relaxed, in: Russ Shafer-Landau (Hrsg.): Oxford Studies in Metaethics, Vol. 16, Oxford: Oxford University Pr., S. 108-133.

Böttcher, L., D'Orsogna, M., Chou, T., 2021. A statistical model of COVID-19 testing in populations: effects of sampling bias and testing errors, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Vol. 380(2214).

Wernli, D., Clausin, M., Antulov-Fantulin, N., Berezowski, J., Biller-Andorno, N., Blanchet, K., Böttcher, L., Burton-Jeangros, C., Escher, G., Flahault, A., Helbing, D., et al., 2021. Building a multisystemic understanding of societal resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic, BMJ Global Health Vol. 6(Article-No. e006794).
Böttcher, L., Porter, M., 2021. Classical and Quantum Random-Walk Centrality Measures in Multilayer Networks, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Vol. 81(6), S. 2704-2724.

Böttcher, L., Nagler, J., 2021. Decisive conditions for strategic vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science Vol. 31(Article-No. 101105).

Wald, S., Böttcher, L., 2021. From classical to quantum walks with stochastic resetting on networks, Physical Review E Vol. 103(Article-No. 012122).

Böttcher, L., D`Orsogna, M., Chou, T., 2021. Using excess deaths and testing statistics to determine COVID-19 mortalities, European Journal of Epidemiology Jg. 36, S. 545-558

Ferguson, B., Köhler. S. (2020) ‘Betterness of Permissibility‘, Philosophical Studies 177 (2020): 2451-2469.

Collins, P., Krzyzanowska, K., Hartmann, S., Wheeler, G., Hahn, U., 2020. Conditionals and Testimony, Cognitive Psychology Vol. 122 (Article 1013329)

Köhler, S. (2020) Instrumental Robots, Science and Engineering Ethics 26: 3121-3141.

Tiefensee, C., 2020. Ought and Error, Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 117(2), S. 96-114.

Boult, C., Köhler, S. (2020) Epistemic Judgment and Motivation, The Philosophical Quarterly 70 (2020): 738-758

Böttcher, L., 2020. A Random-Line-Graph Approach to Overlapping Line Segments, Journal of Complex Networks Vol. 8(Article-No. cnaa029).

Fan, J., Meng, J., Liu, Y., Saberi, A., Kurths, J., Nagler, J., 2020. Universal gap scaling in percolation, Nature Physics Vol. 16, S. 455-461.

Richter, P., Henkel, M., Böttcher, L., 2020. Aging and relaxation in bistable contagion dynamics, Physical Review E Vol. 102(Article-No. 042308).

Böttcher, L., Montealegre, P., Goles, E., Gersbach, H., 2020. Competing activists - Political polarization, Physica A Vol. 545(Article-No. 123713).

D'Angelo, F., Böttcher, L., 2020. Learning the Ising Model with Generative Neutral Networks, Physical Review Research Vol. 2(Article-No. 023266).

Böttcher, L., Gersbach, H., 2020. The Great Divide: Drivers of Polarization in the US Public, EPJ Data Science Vol. 9(Article-No. 32).

Hoferer, M., Böttcher, L., Herrmann, H., Gersbach, H., 2020. The impact of technologies in political campaigns, Physica A Vol. 538(Article-No. 122795).

Böttcher, L., Antulov-Fantulin, N., 2020. Unifying continuous, discrete, and hybrid susceptible-infected-recovered processes on networks, Physical Review Research Vol. 2(Article-No. 033121).

Böttcher, L., Xia, M., Chou, T., 2020. Why case fatality ratios can be misleading: individual- and population-based mortality estimates and factors influencing them, Physical Biology Vol. 17(Article-No. 065003).

Pedersen, A., Wheeler, G., 2019, Dilation and Asymmetric Relevance, in: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 103: International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications, S. 324-326.

Jasper De Bock, Cassio P. de Campos, Gert de Cooman, Erik Quaeghebeur, Gregory Wheeler (Hrsg.), 2019. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 103: The 11th International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2019), 3-6 July 2019, Ghent, Belgium.

Hegselmann, R., Krause, U., 2019. Consensus and Fragmentation of Opinions With a Focus on Bounded Confidence, American Mathematical Monthly Vol. 126(8), S. 700-716.

Tiefensee, C., 2019. Relaxing about Moral Truths, Ergo Vol. 6(31), S. 869-890.

Wheeler, G., 2019, Less is More for Bayesians, Too: forthcoming, in: Routledge Handbook of Bounded Rationality, London: Routledge.

Tiefensee, C., 2019. What's Wrong with Relaxing?, Journal of Moral Philosophy Vol. 16, pp. 725-742.

Tiefensee, C., 2019, Why making no difference makes no moral difference, in: Karl Marker, Annette Schmitt, Jürgen Sirsch (Hrsg.): Demokratie und Entscheidung : Beiträge zur Analytischen Politischen Theorie, Wiesbaden: Springer, S. 231-244.

Xu, S., Böttcher, L., Chou, T., 2019. Diversity in Biology: definitions, quantification, and models, Physical Biology Vol. 16.

Strub, S., Böttcher, L., 2019. Modeling deformed transmission lines for continuous strain sensing applications, Measurement Science and Technology Vol. 31(3).

Nauer, S., Böttcher, L., Porter, M., 2019. Random-Graph Models and Characterization of Granular Networks, Journal of Complex Networks Vol. 7, S. 1-27.

D'Souza, R., Gómez-Gardeñes, J., Nagler, J., Arenas, A., 2019. Explosive phenomena in complex networks, Advances in Physics Vol. 68(3), S. 123-223.

Zotos, E., Nagler, J., 2019. On the classification of orbits in the three-dimensional Copenhagen problem with oblate primaries, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics Vol. 108, S. 55-71.

Timme, M., Nagler, J., 2019. Propagation patterns unravelled, Nature Physics Vol. 15, S. 308-309.

Nagler, J., Stollmeier, F., 2019, Long-Term Behavior in Evolutionary Dynamics from Ergodicity Breaking, in: Complex Networks X: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Complex Networks CompleNet 2019, Cham: Springer, S. 85-95.

Elkin, L., Wheeler, G., 2018. Resolving Peer Disagreements Through Imprecise Probabilities, Noûs Vol. 52(2), S. 260-278.

Hegselmann, R., 2018, Moral Dynamics, in: Sven Ove Hansson, Vincent F. Hendricks (Hrsg.): Handbook of Formal Philosophy, New York: Springer.

Wheeler, G., 2018, Bounded Rationality, in: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.

Köhler, S., 2018. Expressivism, Meaning, and All That, Canadian Journal of Philosophy Vol. 48(3-4), S. 337-356.

Tiefensee, C., 2018. Saving which Differences?: Creeping Minimalism and Disagreement, Philosophical Studies.

Nagler, J., Hoven, J., Helbing, D., 2018, An Extension of Asimov´s Robotics Laws, in: Dirk Helbing (Hrsg.): Towards Digital Enlightenment, Cham: Springer, S. 41-46.

Köhler, S., 2018. Moral Responsibility Without Personal Identity?, Erkenntnis. An International Journal of Scientific Philosophy.

Zimmer, P., Kruse, K., Nagler, J., 2018. Anomalous percolation features in molecular evolution, Physical Review E Vol. 98(2).

Schröder, M., Nagler, J., Timme, M., Witthaut, D., 2018. Hysteretic percolation from locally optimal individual decisions, Physical Review Letters Vol. 120(24).

Stollmeier, F., Nagler, J., 2018. Unfair and anomalous evolutionary dynamics from fluctuating payoffs, Physical Review Letters Vol. 120(5).

Böttcher, L., Herrmann, H., Gersbach, H., 2018. Clout, activists and budget: The road to presidency, PLoS ONE.

Böttcher, L., Herrmann, H., Henkel, M., 2018. Dynamical universality of the contact process, Journal of Physics A Vol. 51(12).

Hegselmann, R., 2017, Wissenschaftsintegration, -reflexion und -kommunikation: drei übergreifende Ziele der Graduiertenausbildung, in: Hanna Kauhaus, Norbert Krause (Hrsg.): Fundiert forschen, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 19-33.

Wheeler, G., 2017, Machine Epistemology and Big Data, in: Lee McIntyre, Alex Rosenberg (Hrsg.): The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science, New York: Routledge, S. 321-329.

Hegselmann, R., 2017. Thomas C. Schelling and James M. Sakoda: The Intellectual, Technical, and Social History of a Model, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Vol. 20(3).

Köhler, S., 2017. Expressivism, Belief, and All That, Journal of Philosophy Vol. 114(4), S. 189-207.

Böttcher, L., Nagler, J., Herrmann, H., 2017. Critical behaviors in contagion dynamics, Physical Review Letters Vol. 118(8).

Chen, X., Nagler, J., Fu, X., 2017, Information dissemination in social-featured opportunistic networks, in: Social Network Analysis: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Case Studies, Boca Raton [u.a.]: CRC Press, S. 309-342.

Zhu, K., Fu, X., Li, W., Lu, S., Nagler, J., 2017, Population growth in online social networks, in: Xiaoming Fu, Jar-Der Luo, Margarete Boos (Hrsg.): Social Network Analysis: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Case Studies, Boca Raton [u.a.]: CRC Press, S. 285-306.

Böttcher, L., Lukovic, M., Nagler, J., Havlin, S., Herrmann, H., 2017. Failure and recovery in dynamical networks, Scientific Reports Vol. 7.

Böttcher, L., Andrade Jr., J., Herrmann, H., 2017. Targeted Recovery as an Effective Strategy against Epidemic Spreading, Scientific Reports Vol. 7.

Böttcher, L., Woolley-Meza, O., Brockmann, D., 2017. Temporal dynamics of online petitions, PLoS ONE Vol. 12(5).

Mayo-Wilson, C., Wheeler, G., 2016. Scoring Imprecise Credences: a Mildly Immodest Proposal, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Vol. 93(1), S. 55-78.

Böttcher, L., Woolley-Meza, O., Goles, E., Helbing, D., Herrmann, H., 2016. Connectivity disruption sparks explosive epidemic spreading, Physical Review E Vol. 93.

Schröder, M., Chen, W., Nagler, J., 2016. Discrete scale invariance in supercritical percolation, New Journal of Physics Vol. 18.

Verma, T., Russmann, F., Araujo, N., Nagler, J., Herrmann, H., 2016. Emergence of core - peripheries in networks, Nature Communications Vol. 7.

Böttcher, L., Araujo, N., Nagler, J., Mendes, J., Helbing, D., Herrmann, H., 2016. Gender Gap in the ERASMUS Mobility Program, PLoS ONE Vol. 11(2).

Böttcher, M., Nagler, J., 2016. Promotion of cooperation by selective group extinction, New Journal of Physics Vol. 18.

Cho, Y., Mazza, M., Kahng, B., Nagler, J., 2016. Genuine non-self-averaging and ultraslow convergence in gelation, Physical Review E Vol. 94(2).

Schröder, M., Chakraborty, S., Witthaut, D., Nagler, J., 2016. Interaction Control to Synchronize Non-synchronizable Networks, Scientific Reports Vol. 6.

Verma, T., Araujo, N., Nagler, J., Andrade Jr., J., Herrmann, H., 2016. Model for the growth of the world airline network, International Journal of Modern Physics C Vol. 27(12).

Saberi, A., Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari, S., Dashti-Naserabadi, H., Abbasi, A., Cho, Y., Nagler, J., 2016. Universality in boundary domain growth by sudden bridging, Scientific Reports Vol. 6.

Wheeler, G., 2015. Is there a logic of information?, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence Vol. 27(1), S. 95-98.

Hegselmann, R., Krause, U., 2015. Opinion dynamics under the influence of radical groups, charismatic leaders, and other constant signals: a simple unifying model, Networks And Heterogeneous Media Vol. 10(3), S. 477-509.

Pedersen, A., Wheeler, G., 2015, Dilation, disintegrations, and delayed decisions, in: Thomas Augustin, Serena Doria, Enrique Miranda, Erik Quaeghebeur (eds): Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, Rom: Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l., pp. 227-236.

Böttcher, L., Woolley-Meza, O., Araujo, N., Herrmann, H., Helbing, D., 2015. Disease-induced resource constraints can trigger explosive epidemics, Scientific Reports Vol. 5(16571).

D'Souza, R., Nagler, J., 2015. Anomalous critical and supercritical phenomena in explosive percolation, Nature Physics Vol. 11, S. 531-538.

Lamouroux, D., Nagler, J., Geisel, T., Eule, S., 2015. Paradoxical effects of coupling infectious livestock populations and imposing transport restrictions, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Vol. 282(1800).

Mani, R., Böttcher, L., Herrmann, H., Helbing, D., 2014. Extreme power law in a driven many-particle system without threshold dynamics, Physical Review E Vol. 90(4).

Tiefensee, C., 2014. Expressivism, anti-Archimedeanism and Supervenience, Res Publica (20) S. 163-181.

Wheeler, G., 2014, Character Matching and the Locke Pocket of Belief, in: Franck Lihoreau, Manuel Rebuschi (Hrsg.): Epistemology, Context, and Formalism, Cham: Springer, S. 187-195.

Pedersen, A., Wheeler, G., 2014. Demystifying Dilation, Erkenntnis. An International Journal of Scientific Philosophy Vol. 79(6), pp. 1305-1342.

Zhu, K., Li, W., Fu, X., Nagler, J., 2014. How Do Online Social Networks Grow?, PLoS ONE Vol. 9(6).

Chen, W., Schröder, M., D'Souza, R., Sornette, D., Nagler, J., 2014. Micro-transition cascades to percolation, Physical Review Letters Vol. 112(15).

Stollmeier, F., Geisel, T., Nagler, J., 2014. Possible Origin of Stagnation and Variability of Earth's Biodiversity, Physical Review Letters Vol. 112(22).

Schröder, M., Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari, S., Nagler, J., 2013. Crackling noise in fractional percolation, Nature Communications Vol. 4.

Kneip, V., 2013. Politische Verantwortung in der Marktwirtschaft: zur Übertragung von Citizenship-Konzepten auf Konsumenten und Unternehmen, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik Jg. 14(1), S. 62-85.

Wheeler, G., Scheines, R., 2013. Coherence and Confirmation Through Causation, Mind Vol. 122(485), pp. 135-170.

Kneip, V., 2013. Protest campaigns and corporations: cooperative conflicts?, Journal of Business Ethics Vol. 118(1), S. 189-202.

Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel, Gregory Wheeler (eds), 2013. New Challenges to Philosophy of Science, Dordrecht: Springer.

Chen, W., Nagler, J., Cheng, X., Jin, X., Shen, H., Zheng, Z., D'Souza, R., 2013. Phase transitions in supercritical explosive percolation, Physical Review E Vol. 87(5).

Chen, W., Cheng, X., Zheng, Z., Chung, N., D'Souza, R., Nagler, J., 2013. Unstable supercritical discontinuous percolation transitions, Physical Review E Vol. 88(4).

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