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Accounting department at FS

Als „Sprache der Wirtschaft“ beschäftigt sich das Rechnungswesen einerseits mit der Aufzeichnung, Aufbereitung und Bereitstellung von Informationen für Investitionsentscheidungen sowie Planung und Kontrolle in Organisationen, andererseits auch mit den Reaktionen oder Anpassungen der Adressaten auf diese Informationen.


Forschungsschwerpunkte der Mitglieder des Departments, vornehmlich unter Nutzung empirisch-quantitativer Forschungsmethoden, umfassen unter anderem

  • die Messung der Performance von Unternehmen und ihren Mitgliedern sowie die ökonomischen und psychologischen Konsequenzen von Anreiz- und Informationssystemen,
  • die Wirkungen von Unternehmenspublizität im weiteren Sinne,
  • Fragen der Corporate Governance, insbesondere die Gestaltung von Vergütungen,
  • die Determinanten von „Rechnungslegungsqualitäten“, und der Einfluss persönlicher Charakteristika von Führungskräften auf den Rechnungslegungsprozess,
  • die Prüfung der Rechnungslegung und die Durchsetzung der entsprechenden Vorschriften und Regulierungen.
Lehre und Transfer

Die Mitglieder des Departments lehren in den Bachelor-, Master- und Promotionsstudiengängen. Bitte sprechen Sie uns gerne an, wenn Sie Fragen zu unseren Schwerpunkten in den Studienprogrammen, dem Bachelor-Studiengang „Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftsprüfung in Kooperation mit KPMG", dem „Master in Auditing“-Programm im Rahmen der AuditXcellence-Initiative oder zu einer Promotion im Bereich Rechnungswesen haben. Darüber hinaus stehen wir Ihnen auch mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen für Ihre Beratungs-, Trainings- und Weiterbildungsbedarfe zur Verfügung.


Assoziierte Mitglieder


Untenstehende Liste zeigt ausgewählte Publikationen der Fakultätsmitglieder seit 2013.

Ausgewählte Publikationen


Andreicovici, I., Bormann, S., Hombach, K., 2024. Trade Secret Protection and the Integration of Information within Firms, Management Science. (forthcoming).

Gad, M., Nikolaev, V., Tahoun, A., Lent, L., 2024. Firm-Level Political Risk and Credit Markets, Journal of Accounting and Economics Vol. 77(2-3, 101642).

Hassan, T., Hollander, S., Lent, L., Tahoun, A., 2024. The Global Impact of Brexit Uncertainty, Journal of Finance Vol. 79(1), S. 413-458.

Kohler, M., Mahlendorf, M., Seiter, M., Vogelsang, T., 2024. Social Comparison in Multi-Tasking Environments: Sacrificing Overall Performance for Local Excellence?, Journal of Accounting Research.

Matejka, M., Mahlendorf, M., Schäffer, U., 2024. The Ratchet Effect: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Management Science Vol. 70(1), S. 128-142.

Opitz, S., Sliwka, D., Vogelsang, T., Zimmermann, T., 2024. The Algorithmic Assignment of Incentive Schemes, Management Science. (forthcoming).

Alfitian, J., Sliwka, D., Vogelsang, T., 2024. When Bonuses Backfire: Evidence from the Workplace, Management Science. (forthcoming


Ecker, F., Francis, J., Olsson, P., Schipper, K., 2023. Payoffs to Aggressiveness, The Accounting Review Vol. 98(7), S. 153-183.

Abernethy, M., Bouwens, J., Hofmann, C., Lent, L., 2023. Altruism, social norms, and incentive contract design, Review of Accounting Studies Vol. 28(2), S. 570-614.

Hassan, T., Hollander, S., Lent, L., Schwedeler, M., Tahoun, A., 2023. Firm-Level Exposure to Epidemic Diseases: COVID-19, SARS, and H1N1, Review of Financial Studies Vol. 36(12), S. 4919-4964.

Sautner, Z., Lent, L., Vilkov, G., Zhang, R., 2023. Firm-level Climate Change Exposure, Journal of Finance Vol. 78(3), S. 1449-1498.

Lent, L., Sautner, Z., Vilkov, G., Zhang, R., 2023. Pricing Climate Change Exposure, Management Science Vol. 69(12), S. 7540-7561.

Deore, A., Mahlendorf, M., Wu, F., 2023. CEOs' Structural Power, Prestige Power, and Target Ratcheting, Accounting, Organizations and Society Vol. 110(101469).

Krishnan, R., Ramasubramanian, H., 2023. Factors that Influence the Learning Curve: Evidence from Cost Behavior in Clinical Labs, Contemporary Accounting Research Vol. 40(1), S. 257-291.

Manthei, K., Sliwka, D., Vogelsang, T., 2023. Information, Incentives, and Attention: A Field Experiment on the Interaction of Management Controls, The Accounting Review Vol. 98(5), S. 455-479.

Manthei, K., Sliwka, D., Vogelsang, T., 2023. Talking About Performance or Paying for It?: A Field Experiment on Performance Reviews and Incentives, Management Science Vol. 69(4), S. 2098-2216.


Ecker, F., Francis, J., Olsson, P., Schipper, K., (2021). Non-Random Sampling and Association Tests on Realized Returns and Risk Proxies, Review of Accounting Studies. pp. 772-814

Manthei, K., Sliwka, D., Vogelsang, T., (2021). Performance Pay and Prior Learning: Evidence from a Retail Chain, Management Science. (forthcoming) Vol. 67 (11), pp. 6998-7022

Heese, J., Krishnan, R., Ramasubramanian, H., 2021. The Department of Justice as a gatekeeper in whistleblower-initiated corporate fraud enforcement: Drivers and consequences, Journal of Accounting and Economics Vol. 71(1, Art. 101357). Vol. 41 (1)


Andreicovici, I., Cohen, N., Ferramosca, S., Ghio, A., (2020). Two Wrongs Make a "Right"?: Exploring the Ethical Calculus of Earnings Management Before Large Labor Dismissals, Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 172 (2), pp. 379-405

Abernethy, M., Hung, C., Lent, L., (2020). Expertise and discretionary bonus decisions, Management Science (1) S. 433-451.


Tahoun, A., van Lent, L. (2019). The Personal Wealth Interests of Politicians and Government Intervention in the Economy, Review of Finance, Vol. 23 (1), pp. 37-74.


Breuer, M., Hombach, K., Müller, M. (2018). How Does Financial Reporting Regulation Affect Firms' Banking?, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 31 (4), pp. 1265-1297.

Casas-Arce, P., Holzhacker, M., Mahlendorf, M., Matejka, M. (2018). Relative Performance Evaluation and the Ratchet Effect, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 35 (4), pp. 1702-1731.


Erhart, R., Mahlendorf, M., Reimer, M., Schäffer, U. (2017). Theorizing and Testing Bidirectional Effects: The Relationship Between Strategy Formation and Involvement of Controllers, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 61, pp. 36-52.


Becker, S., Mahlendorf, M., Thaten, M., Schäffer, U. (2016). Budgeting in Times of Economic Crisis, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 33 (4), pp. 1489-1517.


Homburg, C., Ehm, L., Artz, M. (2015). Measuring and Managing Consumer Sentiment in an Online Community Environment, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 52 (5), pp. 629-641.

Arnold, M., Artz, M. (2015). Target Difficulty, Target Flexibility, and Firm Performance: Evidence from Business Units' Targets, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 40 (1), pp. 61-77.

Holzhacker, M., Krishnan, R., Mahlendorf, M. (2015). The Impact of Changes in Regulation on Cost Behavior, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 32 (2), pp. 534-566.

Holzhacker, M., Krishnan, R., Mahlendorf, M. (2015). Unraveling the Black Box of Cost Behavior: An Empirical Investigation of Risk Drivers, Managerial Resource Procurement, and Cost Elasticity, The Accounting Review, Vol. 90 (6), pp. 2305-2335.


Ecker, F., Schipper, K. (2014). Discussion of "Analysts' Cash Flow Forecasts and the Decline of the Accruals Anomaly" and "Analysts' Cash Flow Forecasts and Accrual Mispricing", Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 31 (4), pp. 1171-1190.

Ecker, F. (2014). Information Precision and Long-Run Performance of Initial Public Offerings, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 31 (3), pp. 876-910.

Jia, Y., van Lent, L., Zeng, Y. (2014). Masculinity, Testosterone, and Financial Misreporting, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 52 (5), pp. 1195-1246.

Mahlendorf, M., Kleinschmit, F., Perego, P. (2014). Relational Effects of Relative Performance Information: The Role of Professional Identity, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 39 (5),
pp. 331-347.

Veith, S., Werner, J. (2014): Comparative Value Relevance Studies: Country Differences Versus Specification Effects. The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 49 (3), pp. 301-330.

Hiller, K., Mahlendorf, M., Weber, J. (2014). Management Accountants' Occupational Prestige Within the Company: A Social Identity Theory Perspective, European Accounting Review, Vol. 23 (4), pp. 671-691.

Janke, R., Mahlendorf, M., Weber, J. (2014). An Exploratory Study of the Reciprocal Relationship Between Interactive Use of Management Control Systems and Perception of Negative External Crisis Effects, Management Accounting Research, Vol. 25 (4), pp. 251-270.


Ecker, F., Francis, J., Olsson, P., Schipper, K. (2013). Estimation Sample Selection for Discretionary Accruals Models, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 56 (2/3), pp. 190-211.

Abernethy, M., Bouwens, J., van Lent, L. (2013). The Role of Performance Measures in the Intertemporal Decisions of Business Unit Managers, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 30 (3), pp. 925-961.

Ernstberger, J., Grüning, M. (2013). How do Firm- and Country-Level Governance Mechanisms Affect Firms' Disclosure?, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol. 32 (3), pp. 50-67.

Jia, Y. (2013). Meeting or Missing Earnings Benchmarks: The Role of CEO Integrity, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 40 (3-4), pp. 373-39.

Accounting Seminars

Die Forschungsseminare im Rechnungswesen dienen Wissenschaftlern als Forum, ihre Arbeiten zu präsentieren und mit den Teilnehmern zu diskutieren. Zielsetzung ist es, aus den Ergebnissen ein besseres Verständnis dafür zu entwickeln, wie Unternehmen operieren und wie Informationen von und über sie erstellt und genutzt werden.

Grundsätzlich ist das Forum offen für Arbeiten mit sowohl theoretischer als auch empirischer oder experimenteller Methodik; Arbeit und Vortrag sind in englischer Sprache.

Die Seminare finden üblicherweise mittwochs von 14:00 bis 15:30 Uhr statt. Vor und nach dem Vortrag bietet sich die Gelegenheit zum Austausch mit Mitgliedern der Fakultät in Einzelgesprächen. Externe Gäste sind uns willkommen! Bei Interesse melden Sie sich bitte via E-Mail an.

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TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency ist ein überregionaler Sonderforschungsbereich, der von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) gefördert wird. In der unten stehenden Liste sind die durch die Initiative gesponsorten Forschungsseminare mit "TRR266" gekennzeichnet.

Vergangene Accounting Seminare


Christian Hofmann (LMU) 
Management Controls in Hierarchies

Eva Labro (Kenan-Flagler Business School, UNC)
Consistency is Key: How Costing Information Consistency Helps Hospitals Manage Costs

Kim Alina Schulz (University of Paderborn) in collaboration with TRR Brown Bag Seminar Series
The Effects of Tax Reform on Labor Demand within Tax Departments


Miguel Duro (IESE)
Misreporting in Unaudited Financial Statements and Bank Monitoring

Eddy Cardinaels (Tilburg University)
Do Algorithms Make Evaluators Harsher?

Fei Du (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
The Impact of Collaborating with Female Mentors on Promotion Opportunities

Katherine Schipper (Duke University)
Why is accounting information a poor predictor of creditor losses given default

Maria Correia (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Lease Reporting and Credit Markets

Pablo Casas Arce (Arizona State University)
On the Choice of Level or Ratio Targets in a Bonus Plan: Theory and Empirical Evidence from a Field Experiment

Mihir Mehta (University of Michigan)
Politically Motivated Capital Expenditures: Evidence from Banking

Brian K. Baik (Harvard Business School)
Venture Capital’s Influence on Startup Media Coverage

Tanja Keeve (Tilburg University)
Peer Effects in ESG Ratings: Evidence from Gender Pay Gap Disclosures

Christoph Sextroh (Tilburg University)
Do Firms Listen to Social Media Analysts? Evidence from Seeking Alpha

Peter Do (UQ Business School)
Employee Health and Financial Reporting Quality

Zeqiong Huang (Yale School of Management)
Information Externality, Firm Boundary, and Accounting Standardization


Nadya Malenko (Boston College)
Voting Choice

Stefan Reichelstein (University of Mannheim)
Corporate Carbon Accounting: Balance Sheets and Flow Statements

Hans-Theo Normann (HHU Düsseldorf)
Cooperation in Multiplayer Dilemmas

Arthur Seibold (University of Mannheim)
Privatizing Disability Insurance

Pauline Grosjean (UNSW Sydney)
War, Polarization, and Partisanship 

Matthias Lang (LMU)
Benefits and Challenges of Ambiguous Product Information

Zachary Garfield (Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse)
Universal and variable leadership dimensions across human societies

Jérôme Adda (Bocconi University)
Health Beliefs and the Long Run Effect of Medical Information

Seminar with Florin Vasvari (LBS)
The Debt Market Role of Asset Valuation Uncertainty

Matthias Rodemeier (University Bocconi)
Judging Nudging: Understanding the Welfare Effects of Nudges Versus Taxes

Massimo Motta (Barcelona School of Economics)
Market Effects of Sponsored Search Auctions

Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (Universität Mannheim)
Supply Chain Contracts under Asymmetric Information

Ro'ee Levy (Tel Aviv University)
Decomposing the Rise of the Populist Radical Right

José Moraga Gonzalez (Vrije University Amsterdam)
The Impact of Start-up Acquisitions on the Entrant’s and Incumbent’s Innovation Portfolios

Stefan Wagner (ESMT Berlin)
Price Discrimination and Big Data: Evidence from a Mobile Puzzle Game


Enrico Cantoni (University of Bologna)
Where You Grow Up Shapes Your Political Behavior: Evidence from Childhood Moves

Caroline Coly (University Bocconi)
It's a man's world: culture of abuse, #MeToo and worker flows

Stefan Wagner (ESMT Berlin)
Price Discrimination and Big Data: Evidence from a Mobile Puzzle Game

Enrico Cantoni (University of Bologna)
Where You Grow Up Shapes Your Political Behavior: Evidence from Childhood Moves

Caroline Coly (University Bocconi)
It's a man's world: culture of abuse, #MeToo and worker flows

Mahmoud Gad (Lancaster University)
Strategy and business model narrative

Wei Cai (Columbia Business School)
The Spillover Effect of Adopting a Formalized Culture-fit Measurement System in the Employee Selection Process

Mohan Venkatachalam (Duke University)
What If There Were No Annual Reports? Evidence from the Great Postal Strike of 1970

Jee-Eun Shin (University of Toronto)
Migration of Global Supply Chains: A Real Effect of Mandatory ESG Disclosure

Christopher Armstrong (Wharton School)
The screening role of covenant heterogeneity

Fabrizio Ferri (University of Miami)
Virtual Shareholder Meetings

Jim Omartian (University of Michigan)
Managing Employee Retention Concerns: Evidence from US Census Data?

Ayung Tseng (Georgetown University)
Using Demand Shocks to Identify Revenue Recognition and the Effects of ASC 606

Sean Cao (Georgia State University)
From Man vs. Machine to Man + Machine: The Art and AI of Stock Analyses

Jonathan Glover (Columbia)
Information Design, and Relational Contracting

Marcin Kacperczyk (Imperial Collage London)
Carbon Emissions and the Bank Lending Channel

Henry Eyring (LSE)
Performance Feedback on Stronger and Weaker Areas of Performance: the Role of Targets

Nina Schwaiger and Sebastian Kuhn (LMU)
Do Financial Analysts’ Questions Help Auditors Infer Internal Control Weaknesses?


Rebecca Hann (University of Maryland)
"Regulatory Supervision through Deterrence: Evidence from Enforcement Actions”

Thomas Keusch (INSEAD)
"Shareholder Influence on the Selection of CEOs"

Ning Zhang (Queen's University)
“Gone with the Wind: the Externality of Earnings Pressure"

Anya Kleymenova (University of Chicago) (TRR266)
"Regulators' Disclosure Decisions: Evidence from Bank Enforcement Actions"

Sharon Katz (INSEAD) (TRR266)
"State Contract Law and the Use of Accounting Information in Debt Contracts"

Amir Amel-Zadeh (University of Oxford) (TRR266)
"Are All Insider Sales Created Equal? First Evidence from Supplementary Disclosures in SEC Filings"

Edith Leung (Erasmus School of Economics - Rotterdam)
"Inter-firm Information Transfer and Bias Spillover: Evidence from Privately-Shared Forecasts along Supply Chains"

Maximilian Müller (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management)
"The Availability of Stock Prices and Reporting Quality"

Frank Zhang (Yale School of Management)
"Consensus Analyst Target Prices: Information Content and Implications for Investors"

Allen Huang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
"Judge Ideology and Corporate Tax Planning"

Roger Silvers (The University of Utah)
"Does Capital Market Integration Depend on Regulatory Integration?"

Aline Grahn (Freie Universität Berlin)
"Bank Relationships, Earnings Qualitiy and Cost of Dept: Cross-Country Evidence on Private Firms"

Henry Friedman (UCLAAnderson – School of Management)
"Optimal Reporting When Additional Information Might Arrive"

Beatriz García Osma (Business UC3M – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
"Conditional Conservatism and Management Earnings Forecasts"

Pietro Bonetti (IESE Business School University of Navarra)
"Cash Versus Accrual Accounting: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment"

Christian Laux (WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business)
"Accounting for Financial Stability: Lessons from the Financial Crisis and Future Challenges"


Christian Leuz (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
"Who Falls Prey to the Wolf of Wall Street? Investor Participation in Market Manipulation"

Martin Jacob (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management)
"The Effect of Capital Gains Tax Policy Changes on Long-Term Investments"

Xi Li (The London School of Economics and Political Science)
"Savior or Villain? The Debt-Market Effects of Foreign Institutional Ownership"

John Gallemore (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
"Tax-Related Human Capital: Evidence from Employee Movements"

Brian Cadman (The University of Utah)
"Degree of Operating Leverage, Earnings Properties, and the Information Content of Earnings"

Brian Paul Miller (Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Bloomington)
"The Local Spillover Effect of Corporate Accounting Misconduct: Evidence from City Crime Rates"

Henri Dekker (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
"All roads lead to Rome? On the overlap and differences between risk management and management control"

Jared Jennings (Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis)
"Determining Credit Risk Using Qualitative Disclosure"

You-il (Chris) Park (Nanyang Business School)
"Information Content of Credit Rating Affirmations"

Jasmijn Bol (Tulane University - A. B. Freeman School of Business)
"The Dual-Role Framework for Effective Management Control Systems: Activating and Directing Employee Effort"

Lin Cheng (The University of Arizona)
"Auditor-related Provisions in Private Loan Agreements, Audit Fees, and Audit Quality"

Gaizka Ormazabal (IESE Business School - University of Navarra)
"Disclosure Regulation and Corporate Acquisitions"

Nemit Shroff (MIT Sloan School of Management)
"Disclosure incentives when competing firms have common ownership"


David Veenman (University of Amsterdam)
"Illiquidity and the Measurement of Stock Price Synchronicity"

Lakshmanan Shivakumar (London Business School)
"Analysts’ estimates of cost of equity capital"

Guochang Zhang (University of Hongkong)
"On the efficiency of capital markets in processing financial‐reporting information: New evidence from earnings releases"

Florin Vasvari (London Business School)
"Debt Financing and Collateral: The Role of Fair-Value Adjustments"

Clara Xiaoling Chen (University of Illinois)
"Supplier Concentration and Cost Structure"

Karen Sedatole (Emory University)
"The folly of forecasting: The effects of a disaggregated sales forecasting system on sales forecast error, sales forecast positive bias, and inventory levels"

Nina Kühne (Ludwig-Maximilians-University)
"Protestant norms, social ethic, and monitoring"

Xue Jia (The University of Melbourne)
"Activist Intervention, Firm Disclosures and Investment"

Margaret Abernethy (The University of Melbourne)
"Initiation and implementation of strategic change: Does Management Control matter?"

Susanna Gallani (Harvard Business School)
"Incentives, Peer Pressure, and Behavior Persistence"

David Erkens (USC Marshall School of Business)
"Executive Clawback Provisions and Corporate Tax Planning"

Ranjani Krishnan (Michigan State University)
Putting “calculative” in “trust”: How to engender relational governance within formal contracts”

Laurence van Lent (Tilburg University)
"Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Political Risk: Measurement and Effects"


Eva Labro (University of North Carolina)
"Updating Accounting Systems: Long-Run Evidence from the Health Care Sector"

Mirko Heinle (University of Pennsylvania)
"Infuence activities, coalitions, and uniform policies" (jointly with Henry L. Friedman)

Isabella Grabner (Maastricht University)
"How calibration committees can mitigate performance evaluation bias: An analysis ofimplicit incentives"

Ole-Kristian Hope (University of Toronto)
"Does the Big-4 Effect Exist when Reputation and Litigation Risks are Low? Evidence from Audit-Partner – Auditee Pair Switches"

Michael Pinedo (New York University)
"On the Modeling of Operational Risk in Finance"

Alex Brüggen (Maastricht University)
"Socialistic Budget Lapsing and Investment Decisions"

Gavin Cassar (INSEAD)
"Evidence on Explicit Contracting and Ex-Post Settling Up in Incentive Design"


Naomi Siegel Soderstrom (University of Melbourne)
"In Search of Money and Fame: Narcissistic Managers and MCS Incentive Design"

Georg Schneider (University of Graz)
"Benthams Panopticon and real effects of voluntary disclosure"

Baohua Xin (University of Toronto)
"The Impact of Hard Information on Self-Dealing: Experimental Evidence"

Craig Lewis (Vanderbilt University)
"Do Fraudulent Firms Produce Abnormal Disclosure?"

Gennaro Bernile (Singapore Management University)
"Does Market Completeness have Real Effects? Option Listings and Corporate Policies"

Jonas Heese (Harvard Business School)
"Government Preferences and SEC Enforcement"

Dirk Sliwka (University of Cologne)
"Arrogance and Ability - On the Correlation between Talent and Social Preferences"
