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The Hunt for Hidden Sustainability Champions

Join us on campus for an executive talk by Benedikt Kirsch on the Hunt for Hidden Sustainability Champions - Investment insights from a Sustainability Fund Manager.

The expert talk will be covering:
  • “Real world sustainability”: insights on current market practices and their shortcomings
  • Opportunities that arise from knowing the shortcomings
  • Hidden Champions: Oftentimes neglected firms with strong business models that due to their size are not considered by most larger investors, but offer high-value potential
The expert talk will also be streamed online

If you do not live in the area or are not able to come to campus to watch the event, we do also offer the opportunity to watch the talk online, simply click the virtual option when you register for the event and you will receive separate login information.

We will also be offering campus tours to gain exclusive insights from our alumni & students, receive career advice from our staff while casually networking, and enjoy complimentary drinks and snacks.

Find out how they have created success through their degrees, driving change and innovating ahead of the curve. Register below!


Please contact the Masters team if you have any questions.

Benedikt Kirsch

Benedikt Kirsch

Benedikt Kirsch

Short Bio

Benedikt Kirsch (MADS Class of 2021) is Portfolio Manager and Head of ESG at CHOM CAPITAL, a leading sustainability fund in the European equity space. Leveraging his academic background in Finance and Data Science, his work revolves around identifying what CHOM CAPITAL refers to as "Hidden Sustainability Champions".

Kirsch has held lectures on Sustainable Finance at various universities and associations, as well as teach-ins for institutional investors and portfolio companies.