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Take the next step in your career!

Now that you are ready to embark on your MBA journey, we welcome you to begin your online application today. We offer early-bird discounts and scholarships for those who apply early. If interested in applying for one of our competitive scholarships and taking advantage of our early-bird discounts, we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible! There are limited spots available in the programme. 

Online Application

The first step in applying for the Frankfurt Full-time MBA is to complete our our online application. You will need to upload the following documents in support of your application:

Required Documents

  • CV or resume
  • Transcript of records and certificate(s) from previous university degree(s)
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • GMAT / GRE score report, or registration for our Business Test Methods (Admission Test) (only available upon request)
  • TOEFL / IELTS score report, or proof of equivalent English fluency
  • Case study assignment (instructions provided in online application)

Deadlines & Discounts

We accept applications on a rolling basis and encourage you to complete your application before one of our early bird deadlines below in order to receive a reduction from overall tuition fees: 

30 November €6,000  early-bird discount
31 January €4,000  early-bird discount
30 April €2,500  early-bird discount
31 July Final application deadline

Interview Process

After reviewing your application, we will invite qualified candidates to participate in a personal interview with a faculty member of Frankfurt School. The purpose of the interview is to gain a better understanding of your character, personality, expectations, motivations and career goals. We can arrange telephone or Skype interviews for applicants living abroad. 


The final decision regarding your admission will be based on a combination of work experience, employability, academic qualifications, English language skills, admission test scores, the case study essay, and interview results. Admission results are generally announced 2-4 weeks after your interview.

Programme Start

The Frankfurt Full-time MBA has one intake, which begins in September of each year. All students are expected to be at Frankfurt School on the first day of the programme. For non-EU applicants who require a visa to enter Germany, please keep in mind that it can take up to four months to obtain the necessary student visa. We recommend you apply to the programme as soon as possible in order to complete your visa process on time.

Application Checklist

Download our MBA Application Checklist as a helpful guide to completing the admissions process.