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Job description

  • Consultant/Lecturer and Instructor of the Section of Periodontology, Specialist in Periodontology
  • Department of Operative Dentistry, Clinic for Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Diseases, University Hospital Heidelberg/ Germany
  • I am involved as a clinician providing dental care, as a lecturer and instructor for under- and postgraduate education. In addition, clinical research and administrative tasks are included in my job description

Career moves after graduation: exploring further opportunities …


To what extent did the MBA IHM prepare you for the challenges of your current job? Which knowledge or skills have been especially useful? 

Having studied dentistry and working in academia/public sector did not offer much room for exposure to economic and managerial aspects of the healthcare business. Usually administrative tasks are rather handled on learning by doing manner than through education.

The academic career path in the medical field assigns many leadership roles through teaching, supervising and becoming a role model. The MBA at Frankfurt School has offered me the opportunity to broaden my horizon and acquire crucial knowledge in the field of healthcare management specifically in quality, process management and leadership.

Working as a consultant in an academic institution requires this kind of knowledge and skills on the level of clinical operation as well as on the academic level of education and research. The part-time module of the program has given me the chance to combine the theory with the practical execution.

In addition, the programme has offered me a great academic insight into economics and finance, from which I could benefit on the personal as well as on the career level. All over the MBA has prepared me for the challenges of this leadership role and enhanced my performance for that matter.

In my current job especially the research environment is dominated by an international culture. Reflecting about the time spent in a diverse intercultural community given through this MBA program, I have come to realize that my tolerance and cultural awareness has been shifted.

The added value of the overall experience is represented in the gained ability to manage, lead and be part of international teams with different ethnic and cultural background. Building a work culture on the basis of existing differences would probably become less of a challenge in the future.

The increased competence, confidence and social cultural intelligence encouraged through the experience has positively influenced my ability to work across cultures.

How would you characterise the course of your career so far?

The course of my career has been dominated by academia so far. Enhancing my practical as well as my academic career has been a priority since I graduated from dental school. Clinical (Specialty in Periodontology) as well as academic achievements (doctorate degree) have upgraded my position at the University Hospital. Research, teaching and clinical practice are the three pillars of my daily working routine.

Getting promoted to consultant has added some administrative and management aspects to this routine. The MBA has given me an academic insight and knowledge to enhance my performance and help me address the different challenges of this academic and clinical career course.

What was your favourite module and why?

My favorite module was the module in the United States at Johns Hopkins. The overall educational experience was unique and inspiring. The dynamic of the group had matured by that time so the social aspect of the module has been a pleasure as well.

Nevertheless, the module in Singapore has been a special one. The Singapore healthcare culture in addition to the topics of quality and process management was enriching in knowledge and experience.

What’s your favourite memory of your time with the MBA IHM?

I have a lot of memorable moments to take with me from this MBA. Every module was an experience on its own. Although the program and the schedule were highly demanding and occupied, the dynamic of the group has offered a lot of room for many memorable moments to enjoy during class and after.

Once you have a look at the number of pictures, videos and texts shared within our WhatsApp group you realize what a great experience it was and how many memories you take with you.

The intercultural experience is one of the main strengths of this program. It was a journey of knowledge accompanied by great people from all over the world. Having a surprise birthday party organized far away in Baltimore by my classmates was a moment I will always remember.

How important are alumni for a business school? 

Networking have become essential for a successful business environment nowadays. A strong network of alumni is essential especially for an international program like the IHM.

Promoting the school all over the world as well as keeping the contact to the school could help build up and enhance the reputation of the academic institution. 

What’s the motto you live your life by?

Actually I have some of them … here the first two coming to my mind:

  • "Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi
  • "You never gonna survive unless you are a little crazy"