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The AI Lab belongs to the AI Initiative at Frankfurt School and shows the university's commitment to this topic. It is the home for artificial intelligence and digital transformation at FS. Here, innovation-oriented and collaborative students, employees, faculty members and partners come together. The AI Lab is a hub for projects and topics within AI, ranging from Machine Learning and Deep Learning to image recognition and natural language processing. From internal digitalisation projects to external tech events, the AI Lab offers a designated space for open and collaborative learning and working, both on a department level and institution-wide.
The overall aims of the AI Lab are
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The AI Lab provides a space where new learning concepts can be developed, tested, and immediately implemented into the teaching programme. There is room for creativity and experimentation with new formats and methods of working. Digitalisation options and business ideas can be promoted and developed. Through cooperation with partners from the regional Tech Community as well as from the business sector, the AI Lab offers a wide range of opportunities for teaching, research and intensive knowledge transfer.
All events and activities at the AI Lab are open for sponsorship.
Real business world connections are invaluable for our students and professors. There are a wide variety of ways for companies to get involved with the AI Lab.
The AI Lab is a 290m² creative space, equipped with five high end computers using the latest GPUs for AI acceleration. Additionally, TPUs can be rented for peak demand.
The 75” mobile touch screens allow smooth collaboration and presentations. 80m² whiteboards, a 3d printer and a huge set of LEGO serious play stand by for analog creative work.
The room is perfect for workshops, design thinking or meetups.
Get out of your everyday environment and book this creative space for your next event.
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Frankfurt School bringt AI Community zusammen