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Event participants at FS Mall

Services for companies and organizations

Frankfurt School Career Services offer recruiters the perfect platform for making direct, exclusive contact with highly qualified students and graduates.

Position your company at Frankfurt School and get to know tomorrow’s employees today.

You’ll find that Frankfurt School students are highly educated, highly qualified – and highly motivated.

For interested companies, we have a wealth of varied and attractive recruiting and networking options available, including events, jobs board and candidate administration.

Work Experience & Job Entry for Students

As a company, find out more about our committed Frankfurt School students in real-world circumstances.

Our students and graduates will successfully tackle corporate tasks in a wide variety of situations:

  • As trainees, while also studying at Frankfurt School Betriebswirtschaftslehre (B.Sc.) Duales Studium or Wirtschaftsinformatik (B.Sc.) Duales Studium
  • As part-time employees, while also studying at Frankfurt School Betriebswirtschaftslehre (B.Sc.) Duales Studium, Master of Finance (M.Sc.) or Master in Management (M.Sc.)
  • As interns working in Germany (generally for 6-12 weeks during lecture-free periods)
  • As interns working abroad (generally for 8-12 weeks)
  • In student employment, or in temporary jobs or as volunteers
  • Writing their final thesis sponsored by or while working at a company
  • Job entry positions and trainee programmes

Do you have jobs you would like to offer to our students? You can upload your job advertisements free of charge via our job portal Jobteaser. Please click here to set up your account. If you have any questions please send an e-mail to

We look forward to your job advertisements.

Our Service for you – Candidate Administration

We’re always happy to help Frankfurt School business partners find the right combination of talents for their needs by providing active support through the first stages of the selection process:

  • We’ll place your job ad on our in-house Frankfurt School Jobs Board
  • We’ll provide candidate administration services by managing incoming applications for you. If you wish, we’ll even draw up a shortlist of candidates who meet your requirements.

Recruit your future managers and corporate leaders directly from Frankfurt School. Our services are fast, flexible, free of charge and above all, fruitful!

We would be happy to support your recruitment activities in any way we can.

Career Services Events

Meet our students!

Career Services events offer you a wealth of different ways to present your company to our students and streamline your recruiting activities at Frankfurt School.

We organize tailor-made events to fit your corporate requirements:

And of course we would be delighted to tell our students about events you may be holding off campus.

Your event at Frankfurt School

We will work with you to design and organize the perfect recruitment event:

  • Defining your target audience(s) among the students
  • Promoting the event at Frankfurt School
  • Taking care of delegate administration and registration
  • Providing suitable premises and technical support
  • Providing ongoing support during the event
  • Organizing the catering (our own in-house catering service is available if required)
  • Taking care of any follow-up activities
Tell us more about your needs. We would be delighted to help!

Career Day

Position your organization at Frankfurt School and meet our excellently educated and highly motivated students. Join us on our campus to recruit your newest young professionals.

Next event:

5 + 6 November 2024

Corporate and specialist presentations

An exclusive opportunity to tell our students and graduates more about your company by discussing topical issues and introducing the training schemes and career opportunities you offer.

Workshops and case studies

Work on case studies inspired by real-world scenarios with a group of students selected by you. Use the workshops to find out more about their specialist knowledge and personal qualities – a perfect opportunity to identify your potential executives of the future.


Show off your company’s best side! Invite our students to familiarize themselves with your working environment at first hand.

Special events

(e.g. dinners and other culinary events)
Present your company to a selected group of students or graduates in a specific social setting.