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The Frankfurt School Business Forum is a student-led initiative that epitomizes collaborative learning and networking in the realm of business. Organized entirely by Frankfurt School students, the Forum is a two-day event that offers a dynamic platform where attendees delve into various enriching experiences. From networking workshops and inspiring speeches to discussions and roundtables, we organize interactive sessions designed to empower participants with practical knowledge and networking opportunities.
Reflecting on past editions of the Frankfurt School Business Forum, it's evident that each year builds upon the successes of its predecessors. The event serves as a testament to the dedication and ingenuity of its student organizers. Past events have featured esteemed speakers, captivating workshops from corporates like ING, Metzler, BNP Paribas, BlackRock and EY, and invaluable networking opportunities, leaving attendees inspired and equipped with practical insights to navigate the complexities of the business world.
The lineup of speakers at the Frankfurt School Business Forum is nothing short of exceptional. Year after year, industry titans, thought leaders, and visionaries grace the stage, offering invaluable perspectives on contemporary business challenges and leadership. From executives of renowned corporations to influential policymakers, the forum attracts a diverse array of speakers who share their expertise, wisdom, and vision for the future. Last year's list includes luminaries such as Holger Kneisel of KPMG Germany, Wilhelm Schmid of A. Lange & Söhne, Bettina Stark-Watzinger, and Karl-Hendrik Magnus of McKinsey & Company, promising insightful discussions and thought-provoking insights.
The Forum welcomes students from diverse academic backgrounds who share a passion for business, entrepreneurship, and politics. While the event is organized by Frankfurt School students, it extends an open invitation to all those eager to engage with industry experts, connect with like-minded peers, and gain practical knowledge to excel in their respective fields. Applications for workshops are streamlined through the event's website, allowing participants to tailor their experience based on their interests and professional goals. With a wide range of formats and sessions catering to various preferences, the forum ensures an inclusive and enriching experience for all attendees.
The Frankfurt School Business Forum is supported by five dedicated departments, each responsible for overseeing specific aspects of the event and ensuring its smooth organization. These departments include Corporate, Speaker, IT, Marketing, and Event, with each playing a crucial role in the overall success of the forum.
Aram Arslanian, ein renommierter Experte auf dem Gebiet des Finanzwesens und der Managementberatung, begeisterte die Teilnehmer des Pre-Events des Business Forums der Frankfurt School of Finance and Management mit einem inspirierenden Auftritt. Als erfahrener Unternehmer und visionärer Denker teilt er nicht nur sein fundiertes Fachwissen, sondern auch seine persönlichen Erfahrungen und Einblicke in die dynamische Welt der Wirtschaft und des Unternehmertums. Sein Auftritt war geprägt von fesselnden Erzählungen, praktischen Tipps und tiefgründigen Einblicken in aktuelle Trends und Herausforderungen der Branche. Durch seine charismatische Präsenz und seine klaren Botschaften motivierte Aram Arslanian die Teilnehmer dazu, über den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen, innovative Lösungen zu entwickeln und ihr Potenzial voll auszuschöpfen. Sein Beitrag beim Pre-Event des Business Forums war nicht nur informativ, sondern auch inspirierend und hat die Teilnehmer dazu angeregt, mit frischem Elan und neuen Perspektiven in die bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen des Forums zu gehen.