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Office of Learning Innovation


Digitization, artificial intelligence, metaverse are examples of current trends that are considered drivers of innovation in the education sector as well. As one of the leading business schools in Germany, it is therefore essential to address the potential of these trends. This is precisely where the Office of Learning innovation comes in:
As scouting unit for digital learning innovations, we are your key partner for highly customized learning experiences.

Our goal is to create an environment where learning becomes a lifelong, fulfilling experience rather than an obligation. Our learning solutions foster curiosity, encourage creativity as well as continuous improvement

  • We are convinced that each learner is unique and deserves their own personal learning experience. That's why we develop educational products that are continuously becoming more interactive, collaborative and personal.
  • True to our principle "We eat our own dog food“, we continuously use our own solutions and services and thus experience first hand the added value and challenges of our learning offers.  
  • In this way we ensure that our products and services do not get "dusty" and respond to changing needs
  • As advocates of customer orientation, we ensure that our solutions meet specific customer requirements and maximize their learning potential. That is why we accompany every step in the selection, customization, implementation and use of the appropriate tools. 


The Office of Learning Innovation analyzes, initializes, and tests various approaches to better understand and evaluate the potential for innovative learning and teaching processes. 

Learning innovations are designed to make learning and teaching better. They are not "gimmicks", but new solutions to meet the needs of stakeholders (even better). To achieve this, it is necessary to keep an eye not only on trends in education, but also on those from other industries (e.g., gaming industry as a driver of innovations, keyword metaverse).
In doing so, we are guided by the "Trend Impact Wheel" and conduct continuous market monitoring in order to identify and understand relevant trends and to use them profitably for the Frankfurt School and our customers. 

When considering trends, we distinguish between short-, medium- and long-term developments in the market. 

  • Short-term refers to a horizon of 0 - 2 years. Which developments already exist today and are already in use in our industry? How can we use these developments profitably for us?
  • Medium-term refers to a horizon of 2 - 5 years. Here we evaluate the short-term trends and cluster them on the basis of patterns in order to be able to derive higher-level change phenomena from them. Which developments already exist today in other industries that are not currently used in our industry? How could an application in our industry look like in the next few years? Is this development interesting for us in the medium term?
  • Long-term refers to a horizon of 5 - 10 years. Which mega trends describe societal structural changes and influence all areas of society? To what extent could these have an influence on us in the future?

Trend Impact Wheel

Service Areas

We support internal and external customers with our expertise and research in the area of learning innovations, the design & production of future-proof learning offers as well as the introduction of new tools.

Our focus is on

  • Analysis and testing of new learning trends
  • Development, adaptation and mainstreaming of innovative learning solutions,
  • Support and management of customer projects.

Our framework consists of content, tools and consulting:

Customized learning content

We develop customized learning content entirely according to your individual needs and use the specific advantages of the various learning media.
Our team of media didactics, graphic and motion designers will be happy to advise you on the development and realization of your very individual educational content. 
Please contact us, to learn more about our customized content services.

Ready-made learning content

A wide range of ready-made and freely scalable digital qualification content is available on our learning platform. Please check our existing content product portfolio, where you can book your online-training directly. If you wish to get an offer for a group or a company or want to use our online-trainings within your own learning environment, please contact us.  

Campus- und Lernmanagement-System - CLMS

Sie möchten alle Ihre Daten kontrollieren und Ihr eigenes System verwalten? Unser modulares Campus & Learning Management System bietet Ihnen eine Umgebung, in der Sie alle Arten von individuellen Schulungen erstellen können.
Eine breite Palette von Modulen und Funktionalitäten kann jederzeit - auch im laufenden Betrieb - an den Bildungsprozess angepasst werden. 
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, um mehr über unser CLMS zu erfahren.  

Consulting Services

We offer individual consulting and project service inside and outside the institution. 


Espresso Sessions

Short and strong - that's how a good espresso should be. Analogously, the format "Espresso Sessions" was developed to combine exactly these characteristics of an espresso: On the one hand, they should be short enough to fit into a busy schedule; on the other hand, participants should receive strong impulses in the focused sessions through relevant content and interactions. To ensure continuity in addressing the topic, the sessions will be offered at regular intervals.

With the Espresso Sessions, an agile learning format is to be offered in which methods and formats can be tried out and which is adaptable to changing circumstances in terms of content. Above all, an exchange of knowledge and experience on the topic of learning innovations with the learning professionals of the Frankfurt School is aimed for. In this way, a setting is to be created in which current topics and trends in the area of teaching/learning with digital media as well as developments in relation to learning innovations can be informed and exchanged across departments.