is being currently ascribed increasingly more importance in the majority of African countries. However, there are very few professionals and university experts who are trained in this sector.
The need for professional skills in the domain of microfinance, in particular in the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo and of Central Africa, was the reason for the joint initiative undertaken by the Protestant University of Congo (Université Protestante au Congo - UPC) and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management in Germany in order to devise a second-level university programme (degree) in microfinance.
This programme is being piloted by the Centre Congolais-Allemand de Microfinance (CCAM) at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economic Sciences at UPC. The aim is to give candidates in-depth training in microfinance in terms of knowledge, know-how and life skills.
In terms of knowledge
Graduates in microfinance must be able to master the key theoretical concepts and acquire transferable analytical competences that combine three disciplines: development economics, finance and management.
In terms of know-how
Thanks to their capacity for synthesis, graduates in microfinance shall be able to make an effective contribution to finding suitable and durable solutions to the problems faced by entrepreneurs and the IMF active in their environment.
The Congolese-German Centre for Microfinance is one of five Centers of Excellence in Africa sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Services (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienste – DAAD).
Its aim is to promote teaching and research to train future leaders in microfinance in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and beyond.
Over the past five years, Frankfurt School collaborated with the Faculty of Economics and Administration at UPC by providing asisstance in the form of expertise, personnel and administrative capacity to:
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To date, the bilateral cooperation between Frankfurt School and UPC, which received financial assistance from the Church Development service (Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst – EED) from 2002 to 2007, has been very fruitful in promoting research and teaching as well as strengthening UPC’s relations to industry partners
The 2010 founded Congolese-German Centre for Microfinance is building on this relationship to promote teaching and research to train future leaders in microfinance in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and beyond.
is based on four points:
is to contribute to development of microfinance through training managers and leaders capable of contributing genuine expertise to this sector.
to accomplish the mission, is to:
CCAM is managed by a staff composed of three persons: Prof. Patrick Bakengela (Programme Director), Prof. Frédéric Kalala (Holder of the Chair in Microfinance) and Project Manager Alexandre Nshue (Project Manager).
CCAM coordination supervision services are provided by Dr. Barbara Drexler and Elizabeth Holmes from Frankfurt School and DAAD.
Prof. Dr. Patrick Bakengela
Programme Director
Prof. Dr. Frédéric Kalala
Holder of the Chair in Microfinance
Dr. Barbara Drexler
Senior Project Manager
Dr. Dorothee Weyler
Project Coordination DAAD