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Frankfurt am Main, 09.11.2020 12:00:00

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management has opened its newly founded Corporate Governance Institute. The new institute will further expand research and teaching on the topic of corporate governance at Frankfurt School, increase its visibility through events and promote exchange between students, academics and company representatives. Professor Julia Redenius-Hövermann, LL.M, Professor of Civil and Corporate Law at Frankfurt School, Professor Zacharias Sautner, Professor of Finance at Frankfurt School and Professor Christian Strenger, Honorary Professor at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, will assume academic leadership.

"With the new institute we want to anchor research on corporate governance, i.e. legal, transparent and ethical corporate governance, more firmly at the Frankfurt School," said Professor Nils Stieglitz, president of Frankfurt School. "We look forward to bringing the academic and practical discourse on current issues of corporate covernance and control to life," said Professor Julia Redenius-Hövermann, Professor Zacharias Sautner and Professor Christian Strenger.

The institute's directors plan to expand the teaching and supervision of theses in the Bachelor of Science, Master of Finance, Merger & Acquisitions, Corporate Performance & Restructuring and MBA programmes. In addition, in-house programmes for companies, and an excellence programme for supervisory-board members, are being planned for Frankfurt School's Executive Education department.

The Institute plans to organise roundtables, symposia and conferences as formats for exchange between students, academics and actors from business and politics. In addition, the Corporate Governance Working Breakfast, established in 2016, will be continued.
