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The Förderverein der Deutschen Immobilienwirtschaft e.V. (Association for the Promotion of the German Real Estate Industry) honoured Jan Dirkes, who studies in the Master of Mergers & Acquisitions, on Friday as one of the most aspiring talents in the real estate industry with the "Most Aspiring Talents Award" (MAT Award). This year, for the first time, the association presented the MAT Award to honour young talents and build a sustainable network. The jury includes renowned experts from the real estate industry, among them FS alumna Sandra Scholz, a former member of the board of Commerz Real AG.
Jan Dirkes has been studying in the Master of Mergers & Acquisitions (LL.M.) at Frankfurt School since 2020. He has been a CFO Trainee at Vonovia since February 2021.
Frankfurt School congratulates Jan Dirkes and wishes him every success in his future career.