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What financial solution can help reduce plastic waste? That was exactly the question asked by FS students, Melanie Diel, Arne Lewandowski, Alan Romann and Adrián Huba Takács at this year's Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge. The team received the "Plastic Award 2021" for their innovative idea.
Their concept: a plastic packaging-focused cap-and-trade system that supports a loan fund for waste collection, waste treatment, and recycling companies within the European Union. The winning team is delighted with the award and the valuable experience they have gained through their involvement in the competition. "It is incredible to see the progress from our first ideas to the final product. This is a perfect example of good teamwork. We are all coming from different fields and everyone has contributed important input from another perspective. It was great fun to be part of such a dedicated team," says Melanie Diel.
More than 400 students from all over the world took part in this year's competition. The participants represented 50 countries and 87 universities with projects in 33 countries. Sixteen teams of students presented ideas addressing critical social and environmental issues in the final round of the Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge 2021. The award ceremony took place on 9 April.