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In December, Frankfurt School bid farewell to 481 graduates. Following an already well-established tradition, the Alte Oper Frankfurt provided the dignified atmosphere in whose halls the students were able to celebrate the graduation ceremonies together with their family and friends.
The first ceremony on 3rd December was held for 145 graduates of the part-time programmes Bachelor of Arts, Master in Auditing, Master of Financial Law, Master of Mergers & Acquisitions and Master in Corporate Performance & Restructuring. It was followed in the afternoon by ceremonies for 336 graduates of the three full-time programmes Master of Finance, Master in Management, Master in Applied Data Science, the Doctoral Programme, the Online-Master of Leadership in Sustainable Finance as well as the Full-time and Part-time MBA programmes and the MBA for Executives in Kinshasa.
Professor Jörg Werner, Professor of Accounting, and Stephanie Kutschmann, MBA Programme Manager, hosted the celebrations. Professor Nils Stieglitz, President and CEO of Frankfurt School, took the opportunity to personally congratulate the graduates: "You have worked towards this day, towards the completion of your studies. Frankfurt School's goal is to develop you, the students, beyond your professional education, also as a personality. In this way, you are very well equipped to actively shape the era of transformation that we are currently experiencing in social, political and economic terms and to take advantage of the opportunities that are opening up. Your family and friends can be proud of you. We at Frankfurt School are too."
The graduation also provided the setting for the awards ceremonies for outstanding academic achievements. The winners of the IFK Awards were Jacob Umland, Qianjing Liang and Tim Pavicic. The winners of the Hagenmüller Awards were Alexander Otto, Torben Trechter and Jonas Seidl, and the FIRM Awards of the Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation went to Ilias Matthias Nasri, Vanessa Simoes Krockenberger and Alina Braun. In addition, the best student in each of the degree programmes received Frankfurt School's Awards for Academic Excellence.
Frankfurt School once again had the pleasure to welcome long-standing partners as guests at the graduation ceremonies. Laudators included Sarah Schmidtke, Manging Director Interessengemeinschaft Frankfurter Kreditinstitute IFK and Carsten Lehr, Managing Director Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation FIRM.
Impressions from the students' perspective rounded off the programme. One of the students who shared her thoughts in a speech was Laura Selbach, Manager at Detecon International, who completed her Master of Corporate Performance & Restructuring: “For me, success is being able to do things and pursue goals you are passionate about. One question that drives me for the future and makes me question my previous actions, but also those of my fellow human beings is not whether I have always done everything right and am doing everything right, but whether what I am doing is the right thing. In that sense, I would like to invite you to (re-)think whether doing the right thing might not make you much happier and more successful than just doing everything right constantly.”