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Frankfurt am Main, 26.01.2022 12:00:00

Frankfurt School’s Corporate Governance Institute (CGI), lead by directors Prof. Dr Julia Redenius-Hövermann, LL.M, Prof. Dr Zacharias Sautner and Prof. Christian Strenger, was founded in November 2020 as a think tank and research centre for good corporate governance. What insights has the first year brought and what are the institute’s plans for the future?

With its first annual conference on ESG ratings in September 2021, CGI took up current topics with broad relevance for society and the corporate world. Professor Christian Strenger: "As a think tank and research centre, CGI promotes the sustainable development of good governance through exchange between academia and practice." Professor Zacharias Sautner: "By addressing the topic of ESG ratings, the conference highlighted a central aspect in the discussion on sustainability and sustainable finance and was able to welcome a top-class group of speakers and participants." Professor Julia Redenius-Hövermann: "This proves that we deliver on our goal to work on current governance topics on an academic level and at the same time to be in continuous dialogue with the  corporate world."

Substantial insights have been gained also in various further CGI forums, and in addition, numerous publications have been issued, for example on the reform of the law on directors' liability, on necessary changes in view of the now probably inevitable third online general meeting season, on the quota of women on the board of directors and supervisory board, on remuneration or on the topics of corporate governance and institutional investors as well as delisting. Since its inception, CGI has contributed to shaping these topics.

Professor Julia Redenius-Hövermann: "CGI’s great development has been made possible by the support of our sponsors Bayer AG, Deutsche Börse Group and Otto Group. Our thanks also go to hkp// Group for making the expansion of our scientific library possible."

Research and networking: Ambitious events programme in 2022

CGI 2022 will further strengthen the exchange between science and practice through the following events:

  • 15 February 2022 – Round Table: Current Issues in the Development of German Corporate Governance
  • 13 May 2022 – Symposium: Effective Investor Protection in Capital Markets Law
  • 19 May 2022 – Annual Conference: Corporate Governance in Family Businesses
  • Autumn 2022 – Round Table: The EU Taxonomy: How we got there and challenges ahead

Contact for further information: Office ( or Paul Bernhardt (