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Stipendienvergabefeier 2022 Header 1266x321

Frankfurt am Main, 07.11.2022 12:00:00

At its traditional annual Scholarship Award Ceremony on 3 November, Frankfurt School awarded a total of 322 scholarships to students from its Bachelor and Master programmes – these included 109 scholarships made possible by the generous support of Frankfurt School’s donors. Thanks to this, the business school was able to grant more scholarships for the academic year 2022/23 than ever before.

Over the past two years, Frankfurt School has significantly expanded its scholarship programmes for its students. The number of Deutschlandstipendien increased to a record 58 scholarships in 2022. In addition, new scholarship programmes have been launched – the Diversity Scholarship, which started in 2020, and the Hardship Fund, launched in spring 2022. The fund is financed by donations from private individuals, companies and associations and for example offers students fleeing from war in their home countries the opportunity to start or continue their studies at Frankfurt School. Since its launch eight months ago, the Hardship Fund already saw inflows of almost 90,000 EUR.

Oliver Matthews, Vice President Degree Programmes & Chief Marketing Officer at Frankfurt School, welcomed the scholarship recipients: “Today we celebrate our students, the next generation of international business leaders. Frankfurt School's goal is to contribute to social mobility and to open up opportunities through education. Young talents should be able to study at our business school regardless of their financial means. We are very grateful to our sponsors for supporting us so generously in this endeavour.”

Frankfurt School is proud that many of the donors have made scholarships possible already over many years. These include well-known companies, philanthropists and patrons, foundations, Frankfurt School friends and alumni, who feel deeply connected to the university and the goals of the scholarship programmes.

This year, Sascha Klaus, FS alumnus and CEO of Berlin Hyp AG, spoke on behalf of the many donors about his view on scholarships and the support provided by his company: "As an alumnus, I am following the development of Frankfurt School very closely and with great pleasure for many years now. At this institution, young people are educated to create real added value in companies and for our society. So it goes without saying that Berlin Hyp contributes to the support of Frankfurt School’s students."

Oleksandra Karpeko and Maximilian Rösgen, both studying in the Master in Management programme, spoke on behalf of the students. Maximilian Rösgen: “Support through scholarships should not be a one-way street. I am deeply grateful for the funding provided by this year's donors and see the scholarship as an obligation to also give something back to society and to Frankfurt School.”

Oleksandra Karpeko thanked the Hardship Fund donors in particular: “I am extremely grateful for the support of the Hardship Fund, which makes studying at Frankfurt School possible – for me and other students who have had to leave their country, family and home.”

Concluding the official part of the ceremony, Angelika Werner, Vice President Strategic Relations at Frankfurt School, expressed her heartfelt thanks for the often long-standing commitment of the numerous donors – a commitment, which is one of the most beautiful proofs that the idea of the Frankfurt School Community is filled with life.

Carsten Vogel, Frankfurt School's Development Director, explains the scholarship programmes
