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Frankfurt School of Finance & Management has been awarded Gold certification in the EcoVadis sustainability rating. This award confirms that Frankfurt School is among the top five per cent of all institutions rated by EcoVadis in higher education worldwide. The assessment covers 21 sustainability criteria on four core topics: Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.
Sustainability is an essential component of Frankfurt School's (FS) strategy. For the campus, which has been awarded platinum certification by the German Sustainable Building Council, FS received particularly good ratings by EcoVadis in the area of environmental protection. The building meets environmental requirements and provides high indoor air quality, barrier-free access, and thermal comfort. A photovoltaic system on the roof and modern and automated technologies for the economical use of resources contribute to this.
In the categories of labour and human rights as well as ethics, the business school scored particularly well due to its commitment to the "United Nations Global Compact" and the "Principles for Responsible Management Education" of the United Nations as well as in terms of diversity, equality, working conditions and safety.
To meet the growing importance of sustainability criteria, particularly environmental and social aspects, on the international financial markets, ESG topics are also part of FS's academic programmes, executive education, research, and numerous consulting projects at a global level. In the EcoVadis sustainability rating, Frankfurt School was therefore rated as very good for its wide range of training and education programmes.
The gold medal from EcoVadis is a confirmation of the continuous commitment and outstanding achievements around sustainable action on campus and underlines Frankfurt School’s position as a pioneer in education, training, and consulting on sustainable finance topics.
The EcoVadis ratings are based on international sustainability standards, which EcoVadis has already used to assess more than 100,000 companies worldwide. Companies in the top five per cent of their category are awarded the gold label.