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Central banks play a critical role in maintaining price stability, promoting economic stability, and safeguarding the financial system. Their actions and policies have a significant impact on financial markets and the overall economy.

At the Centre for Central Banking, we are dedicated to fostering research excellence, conducting outreach activities, and building a vibrant community in the field of central banking. Our focus extends beyond monetary policy and encompasses other crucial areas where central banks hold key responsibilities, including financial stability and payment systems.

european central banking building in frankfurt at day

Our mission is to educate students and the wider public about the vital role and activities of central banks and their significance for the financial system. Situated in Frankfurt, the only city in the world that houses two central banks, the Centre for Central Banking at Frankfurt School is uniquely positioned to deepen knowledge about the inner workings and impactful contributions of central banks.

Join us in exploring the intriguing world of central banking, where research meets practice, and discover the profound influence central banks have on our economy and financial landscape.


Centre Directors

Prof. Dr. Jens Weidmann

Jens Weidmann
Professor of Practice in Central Banking

Prof. Dr. Emanuel Mönch


Carl-Wolfram Horn, PhD

Carl-Wolfram Horn

Utso Pal Mustafi, PhD

Utso Pal Mustafi

Affiliated Members

Prof. Dr. Alina Bartscher

Alina Kristin Bartscher
Assistant Professor of Finance

Prof. Dr. Fabian Seyrich

Fabian Seyrich
Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics

Prof. Dr. Kaspar Zimmermann

Kaspar Zimmermann
Assistant Professor of Finance / DWS Junior Chair in Finance


Nora Lamersdorf

Doctoral Students


Janet Yellen receives honorary doctorate from Frankfurt School

Frankfurt am Main, 21 May 2024

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Frankfurt School of Finance & Management has conferred an honorary doctorate to US Treasury Secretary Dr Janet Yellen during an academic ceremony on Tuesday, 21 May 2024. Next to Professor Dr. Nils Stieglitz, Frankfurt School President and CEO and Professor Dr. Jens Weidmann, Professor of Practice in Central Banking and Director of the Centre for Central Banking, Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank and German Finance Minister Christian Lindner gave laudatory speeches.

In a keynote address, Secretary Janet Yellen outlined her perspectives on current global financial policy challenges. “I am grateful to Frankfurt School for awarding me this honorary doctorate and for organising today’s programme. I would also like to thank Professor Stieglitz, President Lagarde, and Minister Lindner for their exceptionally kind words. And thanks to all of you in the audience today — students, faculty, and many others,” said Janet Yellen.

Frankfurt School seeks to fill tenured faculty position as Associate or Full Professor of Central Banking

Frankfurt am Main, 7 March 2024

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is one of Europe’s leading business schools, accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. We are seeking to fill a tenured faculty position as Associate or Full Professor of Central Banking (open-rank).

Frankfurt School launches new “Centre for Central Banking"

Frankfurt am Main, 11 October 2023

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The Frankfurt School of Finance & Management announced the establishment of the “Frankfurt School Centre for Central Banking”. The announcement was made during a guest lecture by Lord Mervyn King, former Governor of the Bank of England, on 11 October 2023 at the Frankfurt School. The new Centre will officially commence its activities in January of 2024, strategically expanding the business school’s expertise in teaching and research on central banking topics and building on the school’s strong academic track record with one of the leading finance departments in Europe. The Frankfurt School Centre for Central Banking will address pressing issues in central banking, conduct relevant research projects and expand the business school’s academic and executive education programmes as well as its networking activities in the realm of central banks.


Upcoming Events

Event title
Upcoming events will be announced here soon

Recent Events

FS Centre for Central Banking-OMFIF Seminar "The European and International Monetary and Financial Landscape"

Frankfurt am Main, 11 March 2025

On 11 March 2025, the Centre for Central Banking hosted a joint seminar with OMFIF on "The European and International Monetary and Financial Landscape". Center stage in the discussions took the global implications of the heightened trade and geopolitical uncertainty, Europe's fiscal and security policy, the monetary policy strategy reviews of the Federal Reserve and the ECB as well as an outlook on the further integration of financial markets in Europe.

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Guest Lecture by Dr. Jan Mischke, 
Partner at McKinsey Global Institute

Frankfurt am Main, 19 February 2025

On 19 February 2025, the Centre for Central Banking welcomed Dr. Jan Mischke, Partner at the McKinsey Global Institute for a guest lecture on the topic "How Germany and Europe can regain competitiveness, growth, and prosperity". In his lecture Dr. Mischke first discussed the diverging macroeconomic developments in Europe and the US as well as the headwinds for European growth prospects stemming from the fragmenting world order, technological disruption, and the demographic as well as energy crises. The second part of the lecture focused on concrete policy proposals to boost investment and growth in Germany and Europe. 

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Guest Lecture by Pablo Hernández de Cos,
former Governor of the Banco de Espana and incoming General Manager of the BIS

Frankfurt am Main, 27 January 2025

As part of its series of events on current topics from the world of Central Banking, the Centre of Central Banking has hosted the former Governor of the Banco de Espana and incoming General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements, Pablo Hernández de Cos, for a guest lecture on the topic "Reflections on Monetary Policy Analysis from the Latest Inflationary-Disflationary Episode” on 27 January 2025. Governor Hernández de Cos reflected on the dynamics and drivers of the recent inflationary-deflationary episode as well as lessons learned from the episode for the interaction of monetary policy with financial stability, fiscal, and structural reform policy. 

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FS Centre for Central Banking-BNY-OMFIF Macroeconomics and Capital Markets Seminar 

Frankfurt am Main, 20 November 2024

On 20 November 2024, the Centre for Central Banking hosted a joint Centre for Central Banking – BNY – OMFIF Macroeconomics and Capital Markets Seminar. The seminar convened public and private sector participants for off-the-record discussions about developments in 2024 as well as the medium-term outlook for global capital markets. The first session covered a wide range of topics, from linkages between politics and public finance, global central banks’ fight against inflation, and the role of geopolitical tensions for the medium-term economic outlook in Europe and beyond. The second session was devoted to a more focused discussion on how to improve money and capital markets efficiency and resilience in Europe.




Guest Lecture by Boris Vujčić,
Governor of the Croatian National Bank

Frankfurt am Main, 12 June 2024

As part of its series of events on current topics from the world of Central Banking, the Centre of Central Banking has hosted the Governor of the Croatian National Bank, Boris Vujcic, for a guest lecture on the topic "Inflationary and Macroeconomic Developments after joining the Euro: The Croatian Experience” on 12 June 2024. Governor Vujcic highlighted the strenghtened real economic growth and compressed risk premia, supported also by the euro introduction. While inflation decreased significantly from the peak recorded in 2022, particularly services inflation remains high due to strong wage growth and a solid demand in the tourism industry.






Guest Lecture by Pierre Wunsch,
Governor of the National Bank of Belgium

Frankfurt am Main, 08 May 2024

As part of its series of events on current topics from the world of Central Banking, the Centre of Central Banking has hosted the Governor of the National Bank of Belgium, Pierre Wunsch, for a guest lecture on the topic "Beyond hawks and doves, trying to get it right in an uncertain world” on 08 May 2024. Governor Wunsch talked about his evolving stance on the primary drivers of monetary policy in recent years and his thoughts on the medium-term trajectory of monetary policy. He also discussed the fundamental questions around the limits of central bank mandates.

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OMFIF-Frankfurt School Seminar "The New Era of Central Bank Policy and Operations"

Frankfurt am Main, 19 March 2024 


Guest Lecture by Signe Krogstrup,
Governor of Danmarks Nationalbank

Frankfurt am Main, 19 February 2024

As part of its series of events on current topics from the world of Central Banking, the Centre of Central Banking has hosted the Governor of the Danmarks Nationalbank, Signe Krogstrup, for a guest lecture on the topic "Money and Payments: The Five C’s” on 19 February 2024. Drawing on the Danish experience, Gouverneur Krogstrup discussed the evolution of payment technologies over time as well as the opportunities and challenges of digital payments and currencies for central banks, focusing on the “Five C’s”: cards, cash, cyber, crypto, and CBDC.

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Guest Lecture by François Villeroy de Galhau, Governor of the Banque de France

Frankfurt am Main, 12 December 2023

As part of its series of events on current topics from the world of Central Banking, the Centre of Central Banking has hosted the Governor of the Banque de France, François Villeroy de Galhau, for a guest lecture on the topic "The reawakening of Europe and the Franco-German engine" on 12 December 2023. In his lecture, Gouverneur Villeroy de Galhau took the audience on a ‘tour de force’ of the structural transformations necessary to build a stronger and more resilient European economy and made a forceful plea for deeper European integration and shared solutions in the face of these joint long-term challenges.

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Guest Lecture by Lord Mervyn King,
former Governor of the Bank of England

Frankfurt am Main, 11 October 2023

As part of its official launch announcement and its series of events on current topics from the world of Central Banking, the Centre of Central Banking has hosted Lord Mervyn King, former Governor of the Bank of England, for a guest lecture on the topic "New Ideas for Central Banks: The Audacity of Pessimism" on 11 October 2023. In his lecture, Lord King provided keen insights into the various challenges central banks have been facing in recent years and their role as lenders of last resort. 

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Guest Lecture by Ignazio Visco, former Governor of the Bank of Italy

Frankfurt am Main, 1 March 2023

As part of its series of events on current topics from the world of Central Banking, the Centre of Central Banking hosted Ignazio Visco, former Governor of the Bank of Italy, for a guest lecture on "Monetary Policy and the Return of Inflation " on 1 March 2023. In his lecture, Ignazio Visco provided a review of the development of inflation in the past decades, the reasons and consequences of the current high inflation and the uncertainty surrounding its outlook which requires a careful and balanced policy response. 

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Journal Publications

2023 Acharya, V., Engle, R., Jager, M., Steffen, S. (2023). Why did bank stocks crash during COVID-19?, Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
Acharya, V., Jager, M., Steffen, S. (2023). Contingent credit under stress, Annual Review of Financial Economics, Vol. 16, forthcoming.
Bayer, C., Born, B., Luetticke, R. (2023). Shocks, Frictions, and Inequality in US Business Cycles, American Economic Review, conditionally accepted.
Bayer, C., Born, B., Luetticke, R. (2023). The Liquidity Channel of Fiscal Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics, 134, pp. 86-117.
Bayer, C., Born, B., Luetticke, R., Müller, G. J. (2023). The Coronavirus Stimulus Package: How large is the transfer multiplier?, Economic Journal, 133(652), pp. 1318-1347.
Born, B., D’Ascanio, F., Müller, G. J., Pfeifer, J. (2023). Mr. Keynes meets the Classics: Government Spending and the Real Exchange Rate, Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming.
Carvalho, C., Eusepi, S., Moench, E., Preston, B. (2023). Anchored Inflation ExpectationsAmerican Economic Journal: Macroeconomics Vol. 15(1), pp. 1-47.
Cooper, R., Horn, C.-W., Indraccolo, L. (2023). Covid and Productivity in Europe: A Responsiveness PerspectiveEuropean Economic Review, forthcoming.
Crump, R. K., Eusepi, S., Moench, E., Preston, B. (2023). The Term Structure of Expectations, Handbook of Economic Expectations, Elsevier, Chapter 17, p. 504-540.
2022 Acharya, V., Chauhan, R., Rajan, R., Steffen, S. (2022). Liquidity Dependence: Why Shrinking Central Bank Balance Sheets Is An Uphill Task, Proceedings of the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City on “Reassessing Constraints on the Economy and Policy”.
Bartscher, A. K., Kuhn, M., Schularick, M., Wachtel, P. (2022). Monetary Policy and Racial InequalityBrookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring. 1-47.
Born, B., Enders, Z., Müller, G. J., Niemann, K. (2022). Firm expectations about production and prices: Facts, determinants, and effects, Handbook of Economic Expectations, Elsevier, Chap. 12, pp. 355–384.
Hoffmann, M., Moench, E., Pavlova, L., Schultefrankenfeld, G. (2022). Would Households Understand Average Inflation Targeting?, Journal of Monetary Economics Vol. 129 (Supplement), pp. 52-66.
Moench, E., Soofi-Siavash, S. (2022). What Moves Treasury Yields?Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 146(3), pp. 1016-1043.
Winkler, A. (2022). Does Financial Dominance Explain the Recent Rise in Inflation?, Economists' Voice 19 (2): 187-203.

Working Papers

Acharya, V., Chauhan, R., Rajan, R., Steffen, S. (2023). Liquidity Dependence and the Waxing and Waning of Central Bank Balance Sheets.
Assenmacher, K., Berentsen, A., Brand, C., Lamersdorf, N. (2021). A unified framework for CBDC design: remuneration, collateral haircuts and quantity constraints, ECB Working Paper No. 2578, European Central Bank.
Bachmann, R., Born, B., Goldfayn-Frank, O., Kocharkov, G., Luetticke, R., Weber, M. (2023). A Temporary VAT Cut as Unconventional Fiscal Policy.
Bergman, N. K., Born, B., Matsa, D., Weber, M. (2022). Inclusive Monetary Policy: How Tight Labor Markets Facilitate Broad-Based Employment Growth.
Boneva, L., Jensen, J., Weidner, S. (2023). The Impact of Monetary Policy and Lender-of-Last-Resort Announcements on the Treasury Market, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18426. Center for Economic Policy Research.
Born, B., Dalal, H., Lamersdorf, N., Steffen, S. (2023). Monetary Policy in the Age of Social Media: A Twitter-Based Inflation Analysis.
Born, B., Enders, Z., Menkhoff, M., Müller, G. J., Niemann, K. (2023). Firm Expectations and News: Micro v Macro.
Chavleishvili, S., and Moench, E. (2023). Natural Disasters as Macroeconomic Tail Risks.
Fischer, J. J., Horn, C.-W. (2023). Monetary Policy and Mergers and Acquisitions.
Hoffmann, M., Moench, E., Pavlova, L., Schultefrankenfeld, G. (2023). Forceful or Persistent: How the ECB's New Inflation Target Affects Households' Inflation Expectations, Bundesbank Discussion Paper No. 27/2023, Deutsche Bundesbank.
Hoffner, F., Steffen, S. (2023). Estimating German Bank Climate Risk Exposure using the EU Emissions Trading System.
Ma, Y., Zimmermann, K. (2023). Monetary Policy and Innovation, NBER Working Paper No. 31698. National Bureau of Economic Research.
Martini, F., Sautner Z., Theunisz, C., Steffen, S. (2023). Climate Transition  Risks of Banks.  
Moench, E., Jank, S., Schneider, M. (2022). Safe Asset Shortage and Collateral Reuse, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 16439, Center for Economic Policy Research.

Papers published in German

2023 Winkler, A. (2023). Inflationsbekämpfung und Finanzkrisen (Inflation control and financial crises), Wirtschaftsdienst Vol. 103(4), S. 226-227.
Winkler, A. (2023). Und wieder grüßt das Murmeltier - zur internationalen Rolle des US-Dollar (Here we go again – on the international role of the US Dollar), Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen Jg. 76(15), S. 768-772.