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Frankfurt School's Finance Department is a leading centre for finance research in Germany.
The emphasis in research and teaching is in the areas of Banking, Corporate Finance, Risk Management, Financial Regulation, and Asset Management. Members of the finance department regularly publish in leading finance journals, including the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, and the Journal of Financial Economics, and they frequently present their research at leading international finance conferences.
The department is very internationally oriented, with many of its faculty members having worked at leading international business schools around the world. Members of the department teach in Frankfurt School’s Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Programmes. A strong network and connections with the financial industry and central banks guarantee significant contributions to topical issues in finance.
In the following, we present selected publications by the faculty in our Finance Department, that have been published in prestigious journals in the past three years or have been accepted for publication.
Selected Publications
Mönch, E., Soofi-Siavash, S., 2022. What Moves Treasury Yields?, Journal of Financial Economics. (forthcoming)
Chabi-Yo, F., Dim, C., Vilkov, G., 2022. Generalized Bounds on the Conditional Expected Excess Return on Individual Stocks, Management Science. (forthcoming)
Berg, T., Reisinger, M., Streitz, D., 2021. Spillover Effects in Empirical Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 142, S. 1109-1127.
Berg, T., Saunders, A., Schäfer, L., Steffen, S., 2021. Brexit and the Contraction of Syndicated Lending, Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 141(1), S. 66-82.
Fabisik, K., Fahlenbrach, R., Stulz, R., Taillard, J., 2021. Why are firms with more managerial ownership worth less?, Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 140(3), S. 699-725.
Ilhan, E., Sautner, Z., Vilkov, G., 2021. Carbon Tail Risk, Review of Financial Studies Vol. 34, S. 1540-1571.
Acharya, V., Borchert, L., Jager, M., Steffen, S., 2021. Kicking the Can Down the Road: Government Interventions in the European Banking Sector, Review of Financial Studies Vol. 34(9), S. 4090-4131.
Dow, J., Han, J., Sangiorgi, F., 2021. Hysteresis in Price Efficiency and the Economics of Slow-Moving Capital, Review of Financial Studies Vol. 34(6), pp. 2857-2909.
Cremers, M., Pareek, A., Sautner, Z., 2021. Short-Term Institutions, Analyst Recommendations, and Mispricing: The Role of Higher-Order Beliefs, Journal of Accounting Research Vol. 59(3), pp. 911-958.
Berg, T., Burg, V., Gombovic, A., Puri, M., 2020. On the Rise of FinTechs: Credit Scoring using Digital Footprints, Review of Financial Studies Vol. 33(7), S. 2845–2897
Haliassos, M., Jansson, T., Karabulut, Y., 2020. Financial Literacy Externalities, Review of Financial Studies Vol 33(2), S. 950–989
Cremers, M., Pareek, A., Sautner, Z., 2020. Short-Term Investors, Long-Term Investments, and Firm Value: Evidence from Index Inclusions, Management Science. Vol 66(10), S. 4359-4919
Krueger, P., Sautner, Z., Starks, L., 2020. The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors, Review of Financial Studies Vol 33(3). S. 1067–1111
Acharya, V., Imbierowicz, B., Teichmann, D., Steffen, S., 2020. Does the Lack of Financial Stability Impair the Transmission of Monetary Policy?, Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 138(2), S. 342-365
Breugem, M., Buss, A., 2019. Institutional Investors and Information Acquisition: Implications for Asset Prices and Informational Efficiency, Review of Financial Studies Vol. 32(6), pp. 2260-2301.
Buss, A., Dumas, B., 2019. The Dynamic Properties of Financial-Market Equilibrium with Trading Fees, Journal of Finance Vol. 74(2), pp. 795-844.
Grosse-Rueschkamp, B., Steffen, S., Streitz, D., 2019. A Capital Structure Channel of Monetary Policy, Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 133(2), S. 357-378.
Berg, T., 2018. Got Rejected? Real Effects of Not Getting a Loan, Review of Financial Studies Vol. 31(12), S. 4912-4957.
Fecht, F., Hackethal, A., Karabulut, Y., 2018. Is proprietary trading detrimental to retail investors?, Journal of Finance Vol. 73(3), S. 1323-1361.
Ghysels, E., Horan, C., Mönch, E., 2018. Forecasting through the Rearview Mirror: Data Revisions and Bond Return Predictability, Review of Financial Studies Vol. 31(2), S. 678-714.
Schäfer, L., Beck, T., Ioannidou, V., 2018. Foreigners vs. Natives: Bank Lending Technologies and Loan Pricing, Management Science Vol. 64(8), S. 3469-3970.
Jochem, T., Ladika, T., Sautner, Z., 2018. The Retention Effects of Unvested Equity: Evidence from Accelerated Option Vesting, Review of Financial Studies Vol. 31(11), S. 4142-4186.
Malamud, S., Vilkov, G., 2018. Non-Myopic Betas, Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 129(2), S. 357-381.
Frankfurt School’s Finance Research Seminars provide a forum for researchers of all disciplines to present and discuss their research.
In these exceptional times, the seminar will take place online. The seminars will be organized by zoom. In case of interest, you may subscribe via e-mail in order to get invitations for our research seminar and other events.
We would like to thank the Interessengemeinschaft Frankfurter Kreditinstitute for their generous support of this series of talks.
The members of our Finance Department cluster their expertise in two different research centres.
Each centre has its own clearly defined area of specialisation and conducts an ongoing expert exchange with representatives of experts from other universities, the financial community and journalists. In their projects, the researchers study current issues in the economy and provide well-founded approaches for the resolution of these issues.